Tag: mysql
BakersCalc v2
May 25th, 2018
V2 of BakersCalc was almost completely rewritten as a personal initiative to implement ES6 and SASS into a project as well as to improve upon the UI/UX of the application.
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Design, Development, Projects ajax, bakerscalc, css3, es6, html5, javascript, json, mysql, oop, php, responsive
March 8th, 2017
BakersCalc is a simple yet powerful web application for creating and sharing baking formulas. It can handle a variety of formulas including ones with sourdough starters, and can even accommodate non-yeast based recipes.
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Development, Projects bakerscalc, css3, html5, javascript, jquery, json, mobile, mysql, oop, pdo, php, responsive
What A Save!
November 17th, 2016
What A Save! started as an idea to create a price tracking website that displayed useful information like trending items and prices over time for the game Rocket League.
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Design, Development, Gaming, Projects ajax, css3, html5, javascript, jquery, livesearch, mobile, mysql, php, responsive