Speed Test

The guys over at pingdom.com have developed an invaluable tool called the “Full Page Test” for calculating some useful statistics for your website that every developer should utilize to get the best performance possible. They analyze a variety of factors such as overall load time, size, requests, caching, bad requests, and more.

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Development, Misc

K-9 Discoveries Logo

One of the proposed logos for an old client’s company. Original date Aug 16th, 2010.

Design , , ,

Breath of Fire III – Tiamat Drawing

Tiamat is from the video game Breath of Fire III. This was an exercise in converting a traditional drawing into a digital one. I am not the original concept artist. Original date Apr 1st, 2009.

Design ,


An old wallpaper made in illustrator. Original date Mar 2nd, 2009.

Design, Projects , ,

Publication Poster

An old project from Prof. Katherine Spitzhoff’s Graphic/Publication class. Poster was created using a combination of Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. Original date Jan 26th, 2009.

Design, Projects , ,

SNES Controller Drawing

Another exercise drawing some familiar items using the pen tool. Original date Jan 5th, 2009

Design ,

Z5500 Drawing

An exercise drawing my speakers that I surprisingly still own and use daily. Photos were shot and used as guides for creating a vector using the pen tool in illustrator. Original date Dec 8th, 2008.

Design ,

3D Music Staff

Original date Sept 27th, 2008.

Design , ,